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705 lines
; $VER: Install-MUI 3.0 (05.10.95)
; Script to install MagicUserInterface Release 3
(complete 0)
; German strings
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #intro
(cat "Mit diesem Programm wird Version 3 von MagicUserInterface im "
"System installiert. Bereits vorhandene Versionen von MUI werden "
"ersetzt. MUI 3 ist abwärtskompatibel mit alten Versionen, alle "
"sauber geschriebenen MUI Programme werden weiter funktionieren "
"und automatisch von den neuen Features profitieren."
(set #oldmui "\nEs existiert eine alte Version von MUI im Verzeichnis ")
(set #oldmuibak
(cat "Das Installationsprogramm wird dieses Verzeichnis umbenennen in "
"'MUI_old' und für MUI 3 ein neues Verzeichnis erstellen. Alle "
"Dateien aus der alten Installation bleiben erhalten."
"\n\nWenn Ihnen MUI 3 gefällt, sollten Sie das 'MUI_old' nach "
"einiger Zeit löschen."
(set #oldmuidel
(cat "Außerdem wurde eine Sicherheitkopie ('MUI_old') einer früheren "
"MUI Installation gefunden. Es wird angenommen, daß diese Kopie "
"aktuell ist, deswegen wird keine neue mehr angelegt. "
"Falls Sie fortfahren, werden demnach alle Dateien im Verzeichnis "
(set #oldmuidel2 "gelöscht und ersetzt.")
(set #destdir
(cat "Bitte wählen Sie einen Platz für MUI 3. "
"Ein Verzeichnis namens 'MUI' wird automatisch erzeugt. "
"Der minimale Platzbedarf beträgt 500 kB, "
"eine Komplett-Installation benötigt etwa 2.5 MB."
(set #destexists
(cat "Im gewählten Zielverzeichnis existiert bereits eine MUI-Schublade. "
"Wenn Sie fortfahren, wird der Inhalt dieser Schublade gelöscht und "
"durch die neuen Dateien ersetzt."
(set #guideask
(cat "Bitte wählen Sie die Sprache(n) für die AmigaGuide Dokumentation aus. "
"Diese wird unter anderem für die Online-Hilfe im Voreinsteller und "
"Screen Manager benötigt."
(set #dviask
(cat "Bitte wählen Sie die Sprache(n) für die DVI Dokumentation aus. "
"DVI Dokumentationen werden hauptsächlich zum Ausdrucken benötigt."
(set #imgask
(cat "Wählen Sie die zusätzlichen Image-Pakete aus, die Sie installieren möchten."
(set #nainfo1 "Mit")
(set #nainfo2 "(n/a)")
(set #nainfo3 "markierte Elemente sind aus Platzmangel im aktuellen Installations-Archiv nicht verfügbar.")
(set #copydoc1 "Kopiere")
(set #copydoc2 "Dokumentation")
(set #copydoc3
(cat "ist im aktuellen Installations-Archiv nicht verfügbar, sie "
"wurden aus Platzmangel weggelassen. MUI benötigt diese "
"Dateien nicht zur korrekten Funktion."
; English strings
(if (= @language "english")
(set #intro
(cat "This program lets you install release 3 of MagicUserInterface "
"on your system. It can be used to upgrade an older release or to "
"install from scratch. MUI 3 is backwards compatible with previous "
"versions, all properly written MUI applications will continue to "
"work and will automatically benefit from several new features."
(set #oldmui "\nThere is already a version of MUI installed in the directory ")
(set #oldmuibak
(cat "The installer program will rename this directory away to "
"'MUI_old' and create a different directory for the new MUI 3 "
"installation. No files of your old installation will be overwritten."
"\n\nYou should delete the 'MUI_old' directory after you have given "
"MUI 3 a try and decided that you like it!"
(set #oldmuidel
(cat "Furthermore, a backup of a previously installed MUI was found. "
"The installation utility assumes that this backup is current "
"and will not backup your MUI installation again. If you proceed, "
"all the files in the directory"
(set #oldmuidel2 "will be deleted and updated.")
(set #destdir
(cat "Please select a place for the MUI 3 package. "
"A drawer called 'MUI' will be created here. "
"The minimum space required is about 500 kB, "
" a complete installation takes 2.5 MB."
(set #destexists
(cat "A MUI drawer does already exists in your selected destination directory. "
"By proceeding, you indicate that you wish to delete the "
"contents of this drawer and replace them with the new "
(set #guideask
(cat "Select the language(s) of AmigaGuide documentations you wish "
"to install. You must choose at least one language if you want "
"to use online help with the MUI preferences programs."
(set #dviask
(cat "Select the language(s) of DVI documentations you wish "
"to install. DVI docs are mainly useful for printing."
(set #imgask
(cat "Select the image set(s) you wish to install."
(set #nainfo1 "Items marked as")
(set #nainfo2 "(n/a)")
(set #nainfo3 "are not available in the current installation archive due to space considerations.")
(set #copydoc1 "Copying")
(set #copydoc2 "documenation")
(set #copydoc3
(cat "is not present in the current installation archive. "
"It has probably been left out due to space considerations. "
"However, MUI will run fine without those files."
; procedure COPYDOC
; cd_language - language
; cd_name - "MUI.guide" or "MUI.dvi"
(procedure COPYDOC
(set cdsrc (cat "/Docs/" cd_language "/" cd_name))
(set cddst (tackon (tackon destination "Docs") cd_language))
(if (<> (exists cdsrc (noreq)) 0)
(run (cat "copy " "/Docs/" cd_language ".info " (cat cddst ".info") ))
(prompt (cat #copydoc1 " " cd_language " " cd_name " " #copydoc2 "..."))
(source cdsrc)
(dest cddst)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(message cd_name " (" cd_language ") " #copydoc3)
; procedure COPYIMAGEDIR
; ci_dir - image dir name
(set cdsrc (cat "/Images/" ci_dir))
(set cddst (tackon (tackon destination "Images") ci_dir))
(if (<> (exists cdsrc (noreq)) 0)
(prompt (cat #copydoc1 " " ci_dir "..."))
(source cdsrc)
(dest cddst)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(message ci_dir " " #copydoc3)
; Say hello
(set @default-dest "SYS:")
(message #intro)
; Check for an old MUI installation
(complete 4)
(if (<> (exists "mui:" (noreq)) 0)
(set @default-dest (expandpath "mui:/"))
(set muidir (tackon @default-dest "MUI"))
(set olddir (tackon @default-dest "MUI_old"))
(run "assign mui: remove")
(if (<> (exists olddir (noreq)) 0)
(message #oldmui "'" @default-dest "'. " #oldmuidel " '" muidir "' " #oldmuidel2)
(run (cat "delete " muidir " all >nil:"))
(run (cat "delete " muidir ".info >nil:"))
(message #oldmui "'" @default-dest "'." #oldmuibak)
(rename muidir olddir)
(rename (cat muidir ".info") (cat olddir ".info"))
; Ask for destination directory
(set @default-dest
(prompt #destdir)
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set @default-dest (expandpath @default-dest))
(set destination (tackon @default-dest "MUI"))
(if (<> (exists destination) 0)
(message #destexists)
(run (cat "delete " destination " all >nil:"))
(run (cat "delete " destination ".info >nil:"))
; Lets go, create destination directory, copy main files and libs
(complete 4)
(makedir destination (help @makedir-help))
(run (cat "copy " "//MUI.info \"" destination ".info\""))
(complete 8)
(prompt "Copying main files...")
(source "/")
(pattern "(ReadMe|LiesMich|MUI|PSI)")
(dest destination)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 12)
(prompt "Copying libraries and classes...")
(source "/Libs")
(dest (tackon destination "Libs"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(run (cat "copy " "/Libs.info \"" destination "\""))
; Icons Drawer
(complete 16)
(if (<> (exists "/Icons" (noreq)) 0)
(prompt "Copying default icons...")
(source "/Icons")
(dest (tackon destination "Icons"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(run (cat "copy " "/Icons.info \"" destination "\""))
; Docs Drawer
(complete 20)
(if (<> (exists "/Docs" (noreq)) 0)
(prompt "Creating Docs Drawer...")
(source "/Docs")
(dest (tackon destination "Docs"))
(choices "Registration" "Changes" "ImageDesign" "Preview")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(run (cat "copy " "/Docs.info \"" destination "\""))
(if (<> (exists "/Docs/English/MUI.guide") 0)
((set guide_english "English") (if (= @language "English") ((set defchoice 1))) )
((set guide_english (cat "English " #nainfo2))))
(if (<> (exists "/Docs/Deutsch/MUI.guide") 0)
((set guide_german "Deutsch") (if (= @language "Deutsch") ((set defchoice 2))) )
((set guide_german (cat "Deutsch " #nainfo2))))
(if (<> (exists "/Docs/Français/MUI.guide") 0)
((set guide_french "Français") (if (= @language "Français") ((set defchoice 4))) )
((set guide_french (cat "Français " #nainfo2))))
(set choice
(prompt (cat #guideask " " #nainfo1 " " #nainfo2 " " #nainfo3))
(choices guide_english guide_german guide_french)
(default defchoice)
(help @askoptions-help)
(set cd_name "MUI.guide")
(complete 24)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND choice 1))
(set cd_language "English")
(complete 28)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND choice 2))
(set cd_language "Deutsch")
(complete 32)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND choice 4))
(set cd_language "Français")
(complete 36)
(if (<> (exists "/Docs/English/MUI.dvi") 0)
((set dvi_english "English"))
((set dvi_english (cat "English " #nainfo2))))
(if (<> (exists "/Docs/Deutsch/MUI.dvi") 0)
((set dvi_german "Deutsch"))
((set dvi_german (cat "Deutsch " #nainfo2))))
(if (<> (exists "/Docs/Français/MUI.dvi") 0)
((set dvi_french "Français"))
((set dvi_french (cat "Français " #nainfo2))))
(set choice
(prompt (cat #dviask " " #nainfo1 " " #nainfo2 " " #nainfo3))
(choices dvi_english dvi_german dvi_french)
(default defchoice)
(help @askoptions-help)
(set cd_name "MUI.dvi")
(complete 40)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND choice 1))
(set cd_language "English")
(complete 44)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND choice 2))
(set cd_language "Deutsch")
(complete 48)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND choice 4))
(set cd_language "Français")
; Images Drawer
(complete 52)
(if (<> (exists "/Images" (noreq)) 0)
(if (<> (exists "/Images/XEN") 0)
((set img_xen "Martin 'MagicWB' Huttenloher"))
((set img_xen (cat "Martin 'MagicWB' Huttenloher " #nainfo2))))
(if (<> (exists "/Images/Goonie") 0)
((set img_goonie "Andreas 'Goonie' Schildbach"))
((set img_goonie (cat "Andreas 'Goonie' Schildbach " #nainfo2))))
(if (<> (exists "/Images/KT") 0)
((set img_kt "Christian 'Kochtopf' Scholz"))
((set img_kt (cat "Christian 'Kochtopf' Scholz " #nainfo2))))
(if (<> (exists "/Images/WD") 0)
((set img_wd "Walter Dörwald"))
((set img_wd (cat "Walter Dörwald " #nainfo2))))
(if (<> (exists "/Images/kmel") 0)
((set img_kmel "Klaus 'kmel' Melchior"))
((set img_kmel (cat "Klaus 'kmel' Melchior " #nainfo2))))
(set choice
(prompt (cat #imgask " " #nainfo1 " " #nainfo2 " " #nainfo3))
(choices img_xen img_goonie img_kt img_wd img_kmel)
(help @askoptions-help)
(complete 56)
(makedir (tackon destination "Images"))
(run (cat "copy " "/Images.info \"" destination "\""))
(complete 60)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND choice 1))
(set ci_dir "XEN")
(complete 64)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND choice 2))
(set ci_dir "Goonie")
(complete 68)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND choice 4))
(set ci_dir "KT")
(complete 72)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND choice 8))
(set ci_dir "WD")
(complete 76)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND choice 16))
(set ci_dir "kmel")
(complete 80)
(set ci_dir "Misc")
; Rexx Drawer
(complete 84)
(if (<> (exists "/Rexx" (noreq)) 0)
(prompt "Installing example ARexx scripts...")
(source "/Rexx")
(dest (tackon destination "Rexx"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(run (cat "copy " "/Rexx.info \"" destination "\""))
; Catalogs
(complete 86)
(if (<> (exists "/Locale" (noreq)) 0)
(prompt "Installing catalogs...")
(source "/Locale")
(dest (tackon destination "Locale"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(run (cat "copy " "/Locale.info \"" destination "\""))
; Presets
(complete 88)
(if (<> (exists "/Presets" (noreq)) 0)
(prompt "Installing presets...")
(source "/Presets")
(dest (tackon destination "Presets"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(run (cat "copy " "/Presets.info \"" destination "\""))
; Presets
(complete 89)
(if (<> (exists "/Goodies" (noreq)) 0)
(prompt "Installing Goodies...")
(source "/Goodies")
(dest (tackon destination "Goodies"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(run (cat "copy " "/Goodies.info \"" destination "\""))
; Patterns
(complete 90)
(if (<> (exists "/Patterns" (noreq)) 0)
(prompt "Installing patterns...")
(source "/Patterns")
(dest (tackon destination "Patterns"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(run (cat "copy " "/Patterns.info \"" destination "\""))
; Demos
(complete 92)
(if (<> (exists "/Demos" (noreq)) 0)
(prompt "Installing demonstration programs...")
(source "/Demos")
(dest (tackon destination "Demos"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(run (cat "copy " "/Demos.info \"" destination "\""))
; Startup Sequence
(complete 96)
(startup "MUI"
(prompt "Some commands will be added to your \"s:user-startup\" file.")
(help @startup-help)
(command "if exists \"" destination "\"\n")
(command " assign MUI: \"" destination "\"\n")
(command " if exists MUI:Libs\n")
(command " assign add LIBS: MUI:Libs\n")
(command " endif\n")
(command " if exists MUI:Locale\n")
(command " assign add LOCALE: MUI:Locale\n")
(command " endif\n")
(command " version >nil: exec.library 39\n")
(command " if not warn\n")
(command " if exists MUI:Docs\n")
(command " if exists HELP:dummy ; do not remove\n")
(command " endif ; this entry!\n")
(command " assign add HELP: MUI:Docs\n")
(command " endif\n")
(command " endif\n")
(command "endif")
; Finish
(complete 99)
(run (cat "assign mui: " "\"" destination "\""))
;***** Finished
(complete 100)
(exit "Please reboot your computer before trying to start any MUI programs.")